HeroQuest: ALF Hero? No problem!

A recent post and comment on Reddit HERE inspired me to quickly mock up this new Hero type and matching equipment card.

ALF (real name: Gordron Shumway) was a part of my childhood and I loved the show as a kid, so it was fun to revisit him and make him a hero card for HQ even if it was spur of the moment and just based off a random internet comment!

I figured he wouldn’t be especially great at fighting despite his Orbit Guard training on his homeworld Melmac, but he did seem pretty hardy and his tech advances would give him a big advantage over the “primitives” of HeroQuest’s world. Hence, he has low Attack, basic Defend, but high Body and Mind. He also starts with an Alien Raygun that is very powerful… but can only be used six times per quest, and only by him (you can’t give it to another hero). Because he starts with no weapon, his base Attack score represents his unarmed combat abilities.

He is not really balanced and just for fun, but let me know if you try him out. Just keep your cat away from the table while you do! HAH! I kill me.

So, why not take Gordon Shumway on your next quest? He’d be great for a younger (or older, who actually knows the character!) guest player at your table for a single lighthearted session.

Or, you could use him as a “Mercenary” NPC. Just assign him a gold cost… say, 100 gold to cover the cost of the cats you need to buy for his dinner?

Note: I specifically avoided naming him “Gordon Shumway” on the card itself just in case you prefer to imagine this hero is a different Melmackian alien besides the famous one from the TV show, thus maintaining canon ALF continuity.

Hero Cards

Equipment Cards

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